SERPsketch for Startups

Fighting bigger brands for share of search results is tough! SERPsketch shows you exactly where the opportunities are to get your brand right in front of your prospective customers and drive them to your site.

Illustration of a man looking at the results of a sketch

Space on Page One of Google is limited and highly competitive. SERPsketch visualises the percentage of space owned by you, your competitors and resellers, so you can see the Google feature opportunities for your keyword set or for individual keywords, then devise the best strategy for your growing business.

Screenshot depicting the SERP feature breakdown element in SERPsketch.

Uncover opportunities to grow your brand online

See exactly what prospective buyers see on Google Page One when they are searching for your products or services. SERPsketch gives you much more than a ranking. You see your existing share of Page One (the only page that matters) and know where to concentrate your efforts and budget to compete for visibility in the areas where you most need to.

Visualise the SERP for your important keywords

SERPsketch shows your overall brand visibility and share in Page One. It takes into account your paid ads, social profiles, reseller domains and shows you any rich results you’ve managed to take ownership of alongside those that you haven’t. This is about how much space your brand takes up on Page One for the queries your customers enter.

Screenshot of an example sketch visualisation
Screenshot zoomed in on organic SERP feature doughnut

Break down search results

Explaining the results of SEO to those outside digital marketing can be challenging. It can take time to explain rich results and features when stakeholders are fixated on “rank”. SERPsketch quantifies Page One data in a way that helps everyone to understand where you’ve gained share. Its insights enable you to determine the most effective tactics and content to drive traffic to your site.

Plan your online partnerships

For brands working with channel partners, understand how they perform in search and where they might be competing directly with your own domains. Use SERPsketch to get data on which resellers are promoting your products within search. See how that impacts your own search presence so you can plan your search strategies together in a more efficient and cost-effective way.

List of keywords for a vacuum cleaner keyword sketch

“SERPsketch gives you all the information you need to optimise the top of your marketing funnel, showing you what features of Google you need to be present in. It saves a huge amount of time as it provides a priority list for you based on the opportunity in market-based on where your weaknesses are. You can immediately respond for those competing against you for that visibility. All you need is a great team to act on the insights, and we are fortunate to have just that.”

Tom Coad, Acquisition Manager, Clothes2Order

Why Startups should use SERPsketch

Understand the features showing in SERPs for your keyword sets and be smart about where to focus SEO/SEM efforts for quicker wins. 

Use SERPsketch insights to gain greater brand visibility on Page One, drive higher CTRs and increase your revenues. 

Track your campaign efforts against your share of page over time to show that your SEO strategy is delivering results.

The Questions and Related Searches features in SERPsketch let you build the content that your prospective customers are looking for.

With SERPsketch you can check you’re getting value for money from your agencies. Ensure they’re delivering on more than just organic rank and are focused on areas that will have the biggest impact.

Understand page one performance across all aspects of the SERP, not just your organic ranking.

Try SERPsketch with your keywords

Use it free for a month. No credit card required. See how quickly the search insights you get from SERPsketch help you to improve your visibility on Page One.